-went to Winter Gathering in Gifu.
-Tore my contact lens and broke my spectacles.
-had dinner with my fellow coursemates at restoran malaysia.
-I stayed in Tokyo during the new year eve and the new year.shopping and eating out with my darlings.
-cried two times.once upon meeting Joyce and the other time after he broke up with me.
-traveled alone from Tokyo to Niihama using 18 kippu.
-bought a clothes Fukubukuro and a accessory one which later me and my darlings shared.
-spent the rest of my hols at Masjid.
this time..(end of dis 2008/early jan 2009)
-went for snowboarding at Myoko Suginohara,Niigata.-overcame my fear(I am afraid to try new style of boarding)
-had dinner at the same restaurant but with less crowd.
-stayed only one night in Tokyo.only with Syaza.and didnt do any shopping except for 2 DVDs.went to Saize too.didnt take any pics.*sigh*
-bought a Hello Kitty`s fukubukuro and 2 hardrock cafe`s one.1 for myself and the other one I shared with Nisa and Mars.
-went to Kobe and then back to Ehime.
-had a fever and a cold which still refuse to leave me....
a very satisfied me.with my holidays not with my performance last year (and may we not start on this topic please?)
p/s:ok.saya nampak macam tak kisah tentang Gaza.saya nampak macam tengah enjoy diri saya.tapi..tolong jangan lecture me on Gaza.I didnt know that time what happened.i was off internet for almost 2 weeks.(I am on mobile but nobody care to update me) so forgive me.ne?
p/s:ok.saya nampak macam tak kisah tentang Gaza.saya nampak macam tengah enjoy diri saya.tapi..tolong jangan lecture me on Gaza.I didnt know that time what happened.i was off internet for almost 2 weeks.(I am on mobile but nobody care to update me) so forgive me.ne?
Kalau tak puas ati gak tak tau laa..byk tmpat gle ko gi!!!huhuuu..
Sori tak dpt join gi USJ~~
p/s same2 kite berdoa utk penduduk2 Gaza~~
just nk tanye senang x nk solat kat sane? org jepun x pndg pelik/x tanye ke kalo korang solat atas train/bus ke?
hahahaha...xpuas ati sebab xdapat shopping kat Kobe je kot.xsempat g Zara etc etc....
pakai tudung pun dah cukup dorang tengok~buat bodow aja~
kadang2 kalau aku kuar shopping-lagi2 winter kau tau la cepat aja masa solat abes kan?- aku lepak solat kat bilik tuk menyusu baby.hoho~sbab bilik tu secluded sket.and ada basin dlm bilik tu~
senang aja kalau kita xmenyusahkan.kalau xleh semayang w/out telekung ke ape ke...tu sendiri nye pasal la...
ooooic kiterang kalo shopping, solat kat dalam fitting room -__- ahaksss x ingat same ade babyroom or not..
time aku dulu kene marah sebab basuh kaki kat dalam sinki toilet wakakaka.. sejak dr tu aku sapu je air dkt kasut (bkn kasut kulit pun belasah ajela)...
khuf eh?
lol...ktorg x pernah plak kena sound sbb basuh kaki kat sinki.besa basuh kaki kat singki mse rehat kat R&R.huhuh~
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