Actually, aku tak mau tulis pasal ni kat blog. ingat nak pendam aja kat dalam hati tapi aku rasa aku kena tulis jugak kerana alih alih buat sakit hati aku aja pendam dalam hati.
rasanya ada orang tahu pasal aku gaduh besar kat facebook dalam sebulan lepas. aku bukan nak ulas pasal perang tu, tapi nak tulis pasal benda benda yang orang cakap pasal aku.
1- aku tak kapel ngan jepun right after aku putus ngan dak PPKTJ. korang cakap aku desperate atas alasan ape?
2- dorang tuduh aku lupa adat agama semua. BASED ON apa weh? ADAT apa yang aku lupa?
3- adakah aku yang celupar bila orang pakai `cibai` `gampang` kat aku dan aku tak pernah pakai perkataan macam tu kat orang?
4- kalau orang tu cakap aku salah kawan ngan non-muslim, then I must unfriend with all my non-muslim friends? you must be not only joking but you are out of your head!
5- mana orang tahu aku dok berkepit menggedik duduk dekat2 ngan laki? sumber yang boleh dipercayai? OWH PLEASE! ko percaya kat orang yang ko panggil `sumber2 yang boleh dipercayai` tu? Bloody hell! sumber yang you dok percaya tu betul2 boleh percaya ke? ke you percaya based on die member kepada member you? setahu aku la, aku sorang je malaysian dalam kelas 5C tahun ni. dan aku hanya ada 2, DUA, FUTATSU kelas dengan other malaysian. which dua2 kelas kitaorang kena duduk kat tempat yang lecturer dah assign awal2. macam mana orang tahu aku menggedik/ berkepit/ duduk dekat2 kalau takde orang sekelas ngan aku? plus dalam kelas mana ada masa nak menggedik unlike in malaysia or other places where you have your classes in a hall.
PURELY TUDUHAN SEMUA NI! kalau nak cakap aku berkepit ngan ex aku jepun tu, how can babe/dude? jumpa die pun tak, nak berkepit pulak. and pernah ada orang buat citer aku pegi tengok wayang ngan jepun tu hari hari when I didnt!
6- orang will always talk about me and people who believe in those talk are stupid. sebab dorang yang buat citer pasal aku selalu buat citer buruk2 pasal aku duh! plus macam kat atas tu, they besar2 kan citer and buat citer y xd, and you believe in that??? bengong! dont say you know me only by those stories as I am much more complicated/interesting/nicer than what they said. owh right! you believed in they more as they are your `sumber2 yang boleh dipercayai` kan? bullshite!
7- delete aku lepas tu add aku balik just tuk bitch more about me. yang paling hampeh tu, before delete aku, delete dulu mana2 komen yang die rasa agak over. you know what, I had saved all emails I received informing that you commented on my page. every single one. and I even printscreened some of your comments.
8- NEVER SAY YOU KNOW ME WHEN YOU DONT EVEN KNOW MY NAME. or you never met me or talk to me or even chatted with me more than 5mins.
9- eh, tegur atau cakap ngan aku pun tak, ngan tibe2 jadi expert dalam hal ehwal aku.
aku ever consider myself as gedik. tanye orang lain pun mungkin dorang jawab aku xgedik. people dont like me because I am me. sebab aku ikut kepala aku sendiri and jarang aku macam other normal ordinary malaysian girl. so x pelik la kalau orang nak cakap pasal aku sebab aku just be aku. seyes weh, aku xreti nak manje2 xtentu hala ngan laki. it is plain stupid in my view. xd nye aku nak komen `hai awak lama x nampak/jumpa` `ala awak, bla bla bla bla` *baca ngan tone gedik* wtf. I say things straight to the point and I dont like mengampu lagi lagi la yang bajet comel gedik manja. eh, aku tampar kang.
I am not perfect. I have flaws. I always blur and I behave like a boy. I am an otaku but I dont mind dirtying my shoes or myself crawling in caves or in rivers. I love people who love and can accept me whoever I am. korang boleh cakap ape saja yang korang nak coz I dont care and kalau korang try nak ubah aku pun, hurm~ I dont think most of you can.
btw, aku bukan nak provoke sapa2 ngan menda kat FB tu. tapi terjadi. dan aku realize yang kadang2 you have to provoke someoe to see how she/he handle the situation. minah/mamat perasan-abes-sume-status-tuju-kat-aku-pastu-malu-g-delete-sume-komen
ni blog aku, so aku boleh tulis whatever aku suka. kalau nak mengomen, sila tulis nama sendiri sekali. mak bapak bagi nama tu malu plak ke nam pakai?
purely bitching nak ilangkan stress.
peace V(^.^)V
5 years ago
I bet you must have hurt your keyboard when you were typing this, right?
Whenever you come to this kind of shit, sometimes the best method to deal with it, is to be silent. People might say you are silent because you admit and what they say are true, but sometimes silent is the most wise to get out of the shit.
Like they say, "Diam diam ubi berisi"
When they realised their nonsense doesn't get any response, they will get tired of it.
Reading his entry, I just feel they are putting themselves so low and making themselves look stupid.
P/S: I might get flamed for this comment, but who cares?
@ calv- I did try to be silent and let they say anything they want about me. if it is just as a joke among our batch, then it is still okay. but when they start to spread stories about me to other people and when there are peoples who actually believe in those stories, I cant just watch and let they ruin my pride and honor.
they said they do things just for fun and meant nothing. `friends` they said. but do they know how much they had humillated me when they stole my pics and use them illegally? or when people actually know stories about me before they even met me?
they dont seem to get tired of making fun/telling stories about me as everything I do is wrong i their opinion....
@ calv- I did try to be silent and let they say anything they want about me. if it is just as a joke among our batch, then it is still okay. but when they start to spread stories about me to other people and when there are peoples who actually believe in those stories, I cant just watch and let they ruin my pride and honor.
they said they do things just for fun and meant nothing. `friends` they said. but do they know how much they had humillated me when they stole my pics and use them illegally? or when people actually know stories about me before they even met me?
they dont seem to get tired of making fun/telling stories about me as everything I do is wrong i their opinion....
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